핫게 실시간 커뮤니티 인기글
종합 (4126775)  썸네일on   다크모드 on
우클레베.. | 25/01/11 13:13 | 추천 62 | 조회 3797

미국에 보내주고 싶은 사진. +278 [5]

보배드림 원문링크 https://m.bobaedream.co.kr/board/bbs_view/best/808363



An American flag thrown away like garbage by those who oppose impeachment of Yoon Suk Yeol and support the ruling party.

They treated the American flag like garbage at the end of the rally.

One of the people representing them is Pastor Jeon Kwang-hoon.

The ruling party of the Republic of Korea agrees with them and tries to protect the Yoon Suk Yeol.



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