핫게 실시간 커뮤니티 인기글
종합 (3966924)  썸네일on   다크모드 on
짱구대마.. | 03:04 | 추천 44 | 조회 2226

조만간 태극기 부대 집회에서 생길 일.... +277 [2]

보배드림 원문링크 https://m.bobaedream.co.kr/board/bbs_view/best/796900

Hoda Muthana burned her US passport when she joined ISIS, in a similar gesture of protest to the burning of the US flag here. Now, the Trump administration is arguing she never should have been issued a passport ? and isn’t an American citizen at all.덜 떨어진 2찍 버러지들은 충분히 하고도 남는다에 500원 겁니다...



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